Install and configure JBoss Application Server on each computer
of the cluster. You can install multiple instances on any computer
where you plan to implement vertical clustering. The Preparing to
Install LiveCycle (Server Cluster) document describes the versions
of JBoss Application Server that are supported for LiveCycle ES4.
Install the Adobe-preconfigured JBoss Application Server that
is provided on the LiveCycle installation medium under the third_party directory.
When you extract the third_party\ file,
the following sub-directories are created under the [appserver root]/server/ directory:
(Single server) lc_oracle
(Single server) lc_sqlserver
(Single server) lc_mysql
(Cluster) lc_sqlserver_cl
(Cluster) lc_oracle_cl
(Cluster) lc_mysql_cl
You can safely remove the directories that are not relevant to
your configuration. For example, if you plan to use Oracle for Adobe-preconfigured
JBoss in a clustering configuration, retain lc_oracle_cl and
delete the other directories.
Note: The [appserver root]/server/all directory is
relevant only for manually-configured JBoss. For Adobe-preconfigured
JBoss, you can use a relevant database-specific directory mentioned
above instead of the /all directory.
Important: Install only the Adobe-preconfigured JBoss
Application Server described above, and then see the following sections
of this document to configure the nodes for your cluster. Do not
follow the JBoss configuration instructions that are described in
Preparing to Install LiveCycle (Single server); they apply to a stand-alone configuration and are not appropriate for a clustered configuration.