9.2 Install LiveCycle

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder in the installation media or your hard disk that contains the installer executable:

    • (Windows) server\Disk1\InstData\Windows_64\VM

    • (Linux) server/Disk1/InstData/Linux/NoVM

    • (Solaris) server/Disk1/InstData/Solaris/NoVM

  2. Open a command prompt and run the following command:

    • (Windows) install.exe -i console

    • (Non-Windows) ./install.bin -i console

      Note: Entering the command without the -i console option launches the GUI-based installer.
  3. Respond to the prompts as described in the following table:



Choose Locale

Select the locale for the installation to use by entering a value between 1 and 3. You can select the default value by pressing Enter.

The options are Deutsch, English, and Français. English is the default language.

Choose Install Folder

On the Destination screen, press Enter to accept the default directory or type the new installation directory location.

Default install folders are:

(Windows): C:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES4

(Non-Windows): /opt/adobe/adobe_livecycle_es4

Do not use accented characters in the directory name. Otherwise, the CLI will ignore the accents and create a directory after modifying the accented characters.

Choose Operating System

(Windows only)

Select the operating system that you want to install LiveCycle to.

The options are Windows and Linux, Solaris. Windows (Local) is the default.

Select a different target operating system so that you can use the installation on Windows as the staging platform to deploy LiveCycle on to another operating system.

LiveCycle Server License Agreement

Press Enter to read through the pages of the license agreement.

If you agree to the agreement, type Y and press Enter.

Pre-Installation Summary

Review the installation choices you have made and press Enter to continue installation with the choices you have made.

Type back to go back to previous steps and change any of the settings.

Ready To Install

Installer displays the installation directory.

Press Enter to start the installation process.


During the installation process, the progress bar advances to indicate the progress of installation.

Configuration Manager

Press Enter to complete the installation of LiveCycle.

You can run the Configuration Manager in GUI mode by invoking the following script:

(Windows): C:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES4\configurationManager\bin\ConfigurationManager.bat



Installation Complete

The installation completion screen displays the status and the location of install.

Press Enter to exit the installer.

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