
The following API in the LetterService is used to retrieve data elements:
public Map<String,List> getLetterDataElements(String letterID) throws ICCException;
This API returns a map having three string keys DDE, PH and Field.
  • DDE is mapped with a list of DDEs ( List<DataDictionaryElement> ) for this letter. This list includes all DDEs used in this letter as variable and all other required DDEs.

    For differentiating Collection DDEs, a collection marker "[]" is used in the path of DDE. For example, if the DDE person has account as collection which has composite accNumber, then path is set as person.account[].accNumber. Where "[]" indicates that account is of type collection.

  • PH is mapped with a list of Variables (List<Variable>) which are used in a letter and for which data is required. Any PH variables which are bound as "Literal" or "Variable" or "Field" or "Content" or "Data Dictionary (protected)" are not added to this list. All place-holder variables having following binding in this letter are added to this list:
    • Place holder variables bound to type User.

    • Place holder variables bound to Data Dictionary of type unprotected in this letter.

  • Field is mapped with a list of Fields object (List<Field>) which are used in this letter and for which data is required. Any Field which are bound as "Literal" or "Variable" or "Content" or "Ignore" or "Data Dictionary (protected)" are not added to this list. All fields having following binding in this letter are added to this list:
    • Field bound to type User.

    • Field bound to Data Dictionary of type unprotected in this letter.

// Ethnio survey code removed