Web Modules

This component consists of web layer-related artifacts such as servlets and other related services.

This component includes the following services:

  • Submit: This servlet submits XML data and the rendered PDF to the selected post-process service for a Letter or Portfolio template. Before submitting, it calls the LetterRenderService to render the letter with the given XML data submitted by the Create Correspondence application. The servlet then calls the ServiceInvoker APIs to finally submit the PDF and XML data to the post-process.

  • FlexConfigurationService: This utility service permits client applications to access the properties configured specific to the host web application such as web context and servlet mappings.

  • ExternalDataUtil: This service permits connection to various data sources, by registering the appropriate URL handlers. There is support for standard Java protocols and the crx:// protocol for accessing content from the CRX repository.

// Ethnio survey code removed