Display settings

Rows to display for search results:
Number of rows that appear on a page when searches are performed.

Customization for client login dialog

These settings control the text displayed in the login prompt that appears when a user logs into Rights Management through a client application.

Welcome Text:
The welcome message text, such as “Please Login with Your User name and Password”. The welcome message text should contain information on how to log in to Rights Management and how to contact an administrator or other designated support person in your organization for assistance. For example, external users may need to contact an administrator if they forget their passwords or need assistance with the registration or login process. The maximum length of the welcome text is 512 characters.

User Name Text:
The text label for the user name box.

Password Text:
The text label for the password box.

Customization for client certificate authentication dialog

These settings control the text displayed in the certificate authentication dialog box.

Choose Authentication Type Text:
The text displayed to direct a user to select an authentication type.

Choose Certificate Text:
The text displayed to direct a user to select a certificate type.

Certificates Not Available Error Text:
Message of up to 512 characters to display when the selected certificate is not available.

Customization for client certificate display

Only Display Trusted Credential Issuers:
When this option is selected, the client application presents the user with only certificates from credential issuers that LiveCycle is configured to trust (See Managing certificates and credentials.) When this option is not selected, the user is presented with a list of all certificates on the user’s system.

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