The Configuration page has a link to the My Policies page,
where you specify which end users can create my policies and which
users and groups are visible in search results. The My Policies
page has two tabs:
Create Policies tab:
Use to configure user permissions to create custom policies.
Visible Users and Groups tab:
Use to control which users and groups are visible in user
search results. The super user or policy set administrator is required to
select and add domains, created in User Management, to the visible
user and group for each policy set. This list is visible to the
policy set coordinator and is used to put limits on which domains
the policy set coordinator can browse when choosing users to add
to policies.
Before giving users permission to create custom
policies, consider how much access or control you want individual
users to have. Additionally, consider how exposed you want your
users and groups to be when making them visible to searches.