Types of policies

Rights Management provides the following types of policies.

Personal policies

Users can create, edit, copy, delete, and apply their own policies with settings appropriate to a particular situation. Only the person who creates a policy and the administrators can access that personal policy. Personal policies appear on the My Policies tab of the Policies page.

Invited users can also create, edit, copy, and delete personal policies if the administrator enables this capability.

Shared policies

Administrators and policy set coordinators create shared policies based on the confidentiality requirements that your organization identifies for different types of documents and users. Shared policies are contained within policy sets and are available to all authorized users (document publishers, policy set coordinators, and document recipients) for a particular policy set. Administrators and policy set coordinators can enable and disable shared policies. Shared policies appear in policy sets on the Policy Sets tab of the Policies page.

When you first install Rights Management, it contains one shared policy, named Restrict to All Principals. When this policy is applied to a document, any user who can log in to Rights Management can access the document. This policy is located in the policy set named Global Policy Set. By default, this policy is not enabled. You can enable it if it suits your organization’s needs.

Microsoft Outlook auto-generated policies

Using Acrobat, you can apply policies to documents that you send as email attachments in Microsoft Outlook. In Outlook, you can protect a document by using an existing policy or by using an auto-generated policy that Acrobat generates with default confidentiality settings and applies to the document that is attached to an email message. (See Acrobat Help.)

Note: In order for a policy to be available in Outlook, you must set the policy as a favorite in Acrobat. All other policies, including those there you are the Publisher, are not displayed in Outlook.

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