Users and Groups

In the Users and Groups area, you specify the users who have access to documents protected with the policy. For each user or group you specify, you also set the document usage privileges.

Note: The document publisher is the user who protects the document with the policy. This user is always included by default on a policy, with full access rights, including revocation and policy-switching capabilities. However, administrators can change the document publisher’s access rights for shared policies. For example, the administrator can restrict the document publisher from revoking document access or switching the policy.
Add User or Group:
To add a user or group of users, click Add User or Group and then click Advanced Search to find users or groups. Users include your organization’s internal users and invited users who have registered with Rights Management. When you select this option, the Add User or Group page appears:
  • In the Find box, type the user or group name or email address.

  • In the Using list, select Name or Email.

  • In the Type list, select User or Group.

  • Select the domain you want to search from the In list, and click Find.

  • When the results are returned, select the user or group to add, and click Add.

Note: If you enter a correct invited user name or email address and no result is returned, the user may not have registered yet, or the account may be deleted. You can try adding the user as an invited user type or contact your administrator.

Invite New User:
To add an invited user, click Invite New User, type the user’s email address in the box that appears, and click Invite. This option is available only if the administrator enabled it. When you add new invited users to a policy, Rights Management sends a registration invitation email if the users are not already invited to register. The users must use the link in the email to create an account, and then they must activate the account.

After registering, invited users can use policy-protected documents that they have authorization for. Depending on the capabilities that the administrator enables, the external users may have permission to apply policies to documents, create, edit and delete policies, and add other external users to policies.

Add Anonymous User:
To allow anonymous user access, click Add Anonymous User. This option is available only if the administrator enabled anonymous user access for Rights Management. (See Configure the Rights Management server.) This option grants everyone access to documents protected by this policy, regardless of whether they have a Rights Management account. If you select this option, you cannot add other types of users to the policy.
Note: To permit anonymous access to a policy-protected document that currently does not have it, remove the existing policy and then apply a policy that permits anonymous access. If you switch or change the existing policy, the users must still log in to access the document.

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