Adding directories or custom SPIs

For each enterprise domain you configure, specify the directories that the authentication provider queries for user information. You can add a directory to an existing enterprise domain or to a new enterprise domain that you are adding. You can configure multiple directories for a domain. You can also configure a domain to use a custom Service Provider Interface (SPI) for synchronization.

Add a directory

  1. In Administration Console, click Settings > User Management > Domain Management.

  2. Click New Enterprise Domain or select an existing enterprise domain.

  3. Click Add Directory.

  4. In the Profile Name box, type a name to distinguish this directory and then click Next.

  5. Configure the directory server settings. (See Directory settings.)

  6. To verify that a connection can be made to the LDAP server, click Test. If the test fails, review the exception in the Application Server log file to determine the root cause of the failure. Click Close and then click Next.

  7. Select User Settings and configure the settings as required. (See Directory settings.)

  8. To verify that the base DN and other configured attributes collect the correct batch of users, click Test. LDAP attempts to retrieve the first 200 records by using the provided settings (such as the base DN, search filter, and all attributes).

    If users are returned, the results show the values that are assigned to each field as per the attribute set. If the test fails because of a non-existent server name, incorrect authorization information, or incorrect attributes, the following error message appears: "The search criteria specified did not return any result". To determine the root cause of the failure, review the exception in the Application Server log file. Click Close and then click Next.

  9. Select Group Settings and configure the settings as required. (See Directory settings.)

  10. To verify that the base DN and other configured attributes collect the correct batch of groups, click Test. If groups are returned, the results show the values that are assigned to each field as per the attribute set. Click Close.

Add a custom SPI

For information about creating a custom SPI, see "Developing SPIs for LiveCycle" in Programming with LiveCycle. To make a newly deployed custom SPI available for association with the domain, restart the server.

  1. In Administration Console, click Settings > User Management > Domain Management.

  2. Click New Enterprise Domain or select an existing enterprise domain.

  3. Click Add Directory.

  4. Type a name in the Profile Name box, select Custom SPI Provider, and then click Next.

  5. Select a custom user provider from the list and click Next.

  6. Select a custom group provider from the list and click Finish.

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