Configuring repository credentials

The Documentum credential information is used in the LiveCycle system context. Repository credentials are specific to particular repositories in Documentum. You can provide credentials for any number of repositories; however, you can specify only one set of credentials per repository.

Add a repository credential

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle 11 Connector for EMC Documentum > Repository Credentials Settings.

  2. Click Add. The Documentum System Credentials Information page appears.

  3. Enter a name for the repository.

  4. Enter a user name and password.

  5. Click Save.

If the Content Repository Connector for EMC Documentum service and/or the Repository Service for EMC Documentum are running, the credential information is verified against the specified repository before is stored in the database. If the credentials are invalid or exist, an error message is displayed.

Remove a repository credential

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle 11 Connector for EMC Documentum > Configuration Settings.

  2. Select the check box next to the repository to remove credentials from and click Remove. The credentials for the selected repository are removed from the database.

Change the user name and password for a repository credential

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle 11 Connector for EMC Documentum > Configuration Settings.

  2. Click the name of the repository to edit credentials for.

  3. Change the repository’s user name or password, or both. (The repository name is read-only.)

  4. Click Save.

If the Content Repository Connector for EMC Documentum service and/or the Repository Service for EMC Documentum are running, the credential information is verified against the specified repository before is stored in the database. If the credentials are invalid or exist, an error message is displayed.

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