Mapping users and groups to a business calendar

There are two methods that you can use to associate a business calendar with a user. You can assign business calendars to users based on a business calendar key or based on the directory group that the user belongs to. You use the Mapping tab to specify the method that LiveCycle will use, and also to map the business calendar keys and groups to business calendars. For details on associating business calendar keys with users, see Setting up multiple business calendars.

Associate business calendars with users based on business calendar keys

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Process Management 11 > Business Calendars, and then click the Mapping tab.

  2. In the The System Will Use list, select User Manager Business Calendar Key Resolution.

  3. Select Display User Manager Business Calendar Key. A list displays, containing a unique set of business calendar keys that have been defined in User Management.

    For local and hybrid domains, the list displays the values entered into the Business Calendar Key field in User Management. For enterprise (LDAP) domains, the list displays the unique set that is returned from the LDAP field (for example, "country") that was configured in the LDAP domain settings.

    If the User Management administrator has not defined any business calendar keys, the list will be empty.

  4. For each item in the UM Business Calendar Key list, select a Calendar.

  5. Click Save.

Associate business calendars with users and groups based on directory service groups

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Process Management 11 > Business Calendars, and then click the Mapping tab.

  2. In the The System Will Use list, select Groups Defined By The Directory Server.

  3. On the Mapping tab, select Display Directory Service Groups. A list displays, containing the groups that have been defined in User Management. (See Directory settings.)

    Note: In Workbench, if you have configured a User service to use business calendars and the service is assigned to a group, LiveCycle uses the group mappings specified here to resolve the calendar for the group. LiveCycle always uses groups mappings to resolve the calendar for groups, even when you use business calendar keys to resolve the calendar for users. If no group mapping is found, the default business calendar will be used.
  4. For each item in the Directory Service Group list, select a Calendar.

  5. Click Save.

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