Configuring email settings

You can specify an email account for the LiveCycle server, through which it sends email messages to LiveCycle users and administrators. These email messages are used to notify and remind users of tasks that they must complete, notify the user of tasks that have reached a deadline, and notify the administrator of any process errors that occur.

To enable the sending of email messages between LiveCycle and users, configure the outgoing email settings on the Email Settings page. Outgoing email must use an SMTP server.

To enable LiveCycle to receive and handle incoming email messages from users, create an email endpoint for the Complete Task service. (See Create an Email endpoint for the Complete Task service).

If your processes are designed and implemented without requiring email, you do not have to configure any of the options on the Email Settings page.

Configure outgoing email settings

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Process Management 11 > Server Settings > Email Settings.

  2. Select Enable Outgoing Messages.

  3. In the SMTP Server box, type the email server name or IP address. All notification email messages from Process Management are sent from this email server.

  4. In the User Name and Password boxes, type the login name and password to be used when the SMTP server requires authentication. Leave them blank if anonymous login is allowed.

  5. In the Email Address box, type the email address to use as the return address for email messages that Process Management sends.

  6. Click Save.

Note: If you enter incorrect information, you can click Cancel to go back to the previously displayed page.

Configuring email templates to use HTML Workspace

Note: The Flex Worksapce is deprecated for AEM forms release. It is available for the LiveCycle ES4 release.

By default, the emails sent out by LiveCycle contain links to (Deprecated for AEM forms on JEE) Flex Workspace. You can configure LiveCycle to send out emails with links to HTML Workspace. To know more about the benefits of HTML Workspace over (Deprecated for AEM forms on JEE) Flex Workspace, see this article.

  1. In Administration Console, click Home > Services > LiveCycle Process Management ES4 > Server Settings > Task Notifications.

  2. Open task assignment template.

  3. Set the template in the task notifications to the following:

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