Barcoded Forms service settings

The Barcoded Forms service (BarcodedFormsService) extracts barcode data from scanned images. The service accepts a barcoded form (TIFF or PDF) as input and extracts the machine representation of the data encoded by the barcode.

The following settings are available for the Barcoded Forms service. For details on how to configure these settings, see Configure service settings.

Read Left:
When selected, barcode images are scanned horizontally from right to left.

Read Right:
When selected, barcode images are scanned horizontally from left to right.

Read Up:
When selected, barcode images are scanned vertically from bottom to top.

Read Down:
When selected, barcode images are scanned vertically from top to bottom.
Note: By default, all of the options are selected. Deselect an option only if you are certain that no barcodes appear that way on your forms.

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