
A string value that contains the login mode to use to log in to either an EMC Documentum or IBM FileNet repository.

Literal value

For Documentum, one of these values:

Use Credentials from process context:
Uses the LiveCycle User Management credential from the process context for the Documentum authentication.

Use User Credentials:
Uses the User Name and Password properties to authenticate with Documentum. Ensure that the user name is valid for the repository specified in the Repository Name property in the Relationship Information property group for this operation.

Use Documentum Login Ticket:
Uses the Documentum Login Ticket and User Name properties to authenticate with Documentum. This login ticket must be valid in the current Documentum Foundation Class (DFC) session, and the user name must be set to the correct user of the DFC session.

For FileNet, one of these values:

Use Credentials from process context:
Uses the LiveCycle User Management credential from the process context for the FileNet authentication.

Use User Credentials:
Uses the User Name and Password properties to authenticate with FileNet. Ensure that the user name is valid for the FileNet Content Engine specified in Administration Console.

Use FileNet Credentials Token:
Uses the FileNet Credentials Token property to authenticate with the FileNet Content Engine. This login token must be valid in the current FileNet session.

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