A string value
that specifies how the operation will be authenticated with SharePoint
server. Valid values are INVOCATION_CONTEXT (Use Credentials from process
context) and USER_CREDENTIALS (Use User Credentials).
A string value
that specifies the hostname of the machine which hosts Microsoft
SharePoint. You can also use the Hostname field to connect with
any web application running on a port number other than 80 by specifying
the hostname and port number in the format [hostname]:[port number]. This
field is only used when Login Mode is set to 'Use User Credentials'.
No default is provided.
A string value
that specifies the user name to be used to connect with the SharePoint
server. If the user account is of Windows local users or users configured
using Forms Authentication on the SharePoint site, only the user name
is required. However, domain users for Windows Authentication enabled sites
must provide both the domain name and login name in the format domainName\LoginName.
This field is only used when the Login Mode is set to 'Use User
Credentials'. No default is provided.
A string value
that specifies the password to be used to connect with the SharePoint
server. This field is only used when Login Mode is set to 'Use User
Credentials'. No default is provided.
A string value
that specifies the domain in which the SharePoint server is present.
This field is only used when Login Mode is set to 'Use User Credentials'.