
A string value that represents the transformation types that are used by the RenderFormDocument, and RenderHTMLForm operations of the Forms service. A FormPreference variable can be used as the value of the Render As property of these operations.

Specifying a variable as the property value is recommended only if the variable value is passed into the process, for example as a process invocation parameter, or if you use the same value for the Render As property of several operations on your process diagram. For other situations, specifying the literal value of the property is easier to accomplish.

The following values are valid for the FormPreference variable:

An HTML transformation type that is compatible with accessibility-enhanced browsers (currently Internet Explorer 5 or later).

An HTML transformation type where the Forms service determines the best transformation.

A PDF transformation type that uses a capability based on Flash technology for guiding a user to complete a data capture transaction.

An HTML transformation type that is compatible with older browsers that do not support absolute positioning of HTML elements.

For internal use only.

An HTML transformation type that is compatible with dynamic HTML for Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.

An HTML transformation type that is compatible with the CSS2 specification and compliant with XHTML 1.0.

A PDF transformation type that renders interactive PDF form compatible with Acrobat Professional and Acrobat Standard, version 6.0.2 or later.

For internal use only.

A PDF transformation type that merges data into a prerendered PDF form.

An HTML transformation type that does not allow users to enter data into fields on the HTML form.

For internal use only.

An HTML transformation type that is compatible with accessibility-enhanced browsers (currently Internet Explorer 5 or later).
Note: The RenderHTMLForm operation supports only the AHTML, AUTO, HTML4, MSDHTML, NoScriptHTML, StaticHTML, and XHTML transformations.

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