
A branch is a set of activities that the process executes. Process diagrams can include one or more branches. When you create a process and add elements to the process diagram, the elements belong to the default branch, called the main branch.

The use of multiple branches allows you to implement different behaviors for different parts of the process. You add branches to a process by drawing routes from activities and other elements to gateways. (See Adding branches using gateways.) After you add a branch to a gateway, you can configure its branch type.

The branch type also dictates the type of operations that can be added. For more information about branch types, see Transactions.

At run time, operations in a branch are executed sequentially. When an operation is running, no other operation in the branch is running. When the operation is completed, the next operation is executed. To execute multiple operations simultaneously, they need to belong to different branches inside gateways.

The type of the main branch is specified when the process is created and can be changed in the properties of the process version.

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