
A complex data type that is used to store the results of the Verify PDF Signature operation (deprecated) operation that the Signature service provides. It contains information about the signature that is used to sign a PDF document, including its validity status.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

Data items

The data items that PDFSignatureVerificationResult variables contain.


A signerCertificatePath value that represents a certificate path, information about the path's validation status, and the possible failure reason.

The signerCertificatePath variable contains these values:

A list of byte value of certificates. Each certificate is represented by its DER encoding.

A PathValidationFailureReason value specifies the reason a path is not valid. These string values are valid:
  • CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED: The path is not valid because the certificate expired.

  • IDENTRUS_OCSP_COMPLIANCE_FAILED: The path is not valid because verification of IdenTrust OCSP compliance failed.

  • IDENTRUS_SIGNING_COMPLIANCE_FAILED: The path is not valid because verification of Identrus compliance failed.

  • INCORRECT_SIGNATURE: The path is not valid because the certificate signature is incorrect.

  • INVALID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS: The path is not valid because an invalid basic constraint was used.

  • INVALID_KEY_USAGE: The path is not valid because an invalid key was used.

  • INVALID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS: The path is not valid because an invalid basic constraint was used.

  • INVALID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS: The path is not valid because invalid policy constraints exist.

  • INVALID_POLICY_MAPPINGS: The path is not valid because invalid policy mappings exist.

  • MISSING_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS: The path is not valid because basic constraints are missing.

  • NO_FAILURE: The path is valid.

  • PATH_LEN_CONSTRAINT_NOT_SATISFIED: The path is not valid because the length constraint is not valid.

  • PATH_NOT_TRUSTED: The path is not valid because the path is not trusted.

  • UNKNOWN_REASON: The path is not valid for an unknown reason.

  • UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION: The path is not valid because unsupported critical extensions exist.


A string value that contains contact information of the signer.


A date value that represents the date on which the PDF document was signed.


A string value that represents the legal attestations that are associated with the signature in the PDF document.

When a document is certified, it is automatically scanned for specific types of content. There are types of content that could potentially make the visible contents of a document ambiguous or misleading. For example, an annotation could obscure some text on a page that is important for understanding what is being certified. The scanning process generates warnings that indicate the presence of these types of content. This value provides an additional explanation of the content that generates warnings.


A string value that represents the location of the signer.


A long value that represents the number of revisions of the signature.


A DFSignatureVerificationResult value that represents the actions that can be performed in the PDF document without invalidating the signature.


A list value that contains the policy qualifiers.


A string value that represents why the PDF document was signed.


An int value that represents the revision of the signature.


A PDFSignatureStatus value that represents the status of the signature. The following are valid string values:

The signature is invalid. The revision of the document covered by the signature has been altered.

The status of the signature is unknown. The signature validation on the signed contents was not performed.

The signature is valid but the document has been modified. The revision of the document covered by the signature was not modified, but there were subsequent changes to the document.

The signature is valid and the document is unmodified. The revision of the document covered by the signature was not modified. There were no subsequent changes to the document.


A string value that contains the signer name.


An IdentityStatus value that represents whether the signer is trusted. These string values are valid:

This signer is not trusted or is invalid because the certificate is invalid or the certificate could not be chained back to a trusted root.

The signer is trusted because the certificate is both valid and can be chained back to a trusted root.

This signer is unknown because verification of the signer could not be performed.


A boolean value that indicates whether the signature is date-stamped. A value of true indicates that the signature is date-stamped and false indicates that the signature is not date-stamped.


A byte array value that contains the timestamp information.


A string value that contains the timestamp information associated with the signature.


An IdentityStatus value that represents whether the timestamp authority validation status is trusted. A timestamp specifies that specific data was established before a certain trusted time. A timestamp also contributes toward the process of building a trust relationship between the signer and verifier. These string values are valid:

This signer is not trusted or is invalid because the certificate is invalid or the certificate could not be chained back to a trusted root.

The signer is trusted because the certificate is both valid and can be chained back to a trusted root.

This signer is unknown because verification of the signer could not be performed.

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