Data itemsThe data items that GetUsageRightsResult variables
evaluationA boolean value
that indicates whether the deployment type of the credential is
Evaluation and Test.
intendedUseA string value
that represents the legal intended-use notice of the credential.
messageA string value
that represents the message that appears when the PDF document is
opened in Adobe Reader. The message informs users that the document
contains Reader Extensions usage rights.
notAfterA date value
that specifies the date after which the credential is no longer
notBeforeA date value
that specifies the date before which the credential is not valid.
profileA string value
that represents the profile code of the credential. The profile code
is a short description of complete certificate properties (for example,
rightsA rights value
that specifies individual usage rights associated with a PDF document
or credential.
useCountAn int value
that specifies the number of times the credential has been used.