
A complex data type that represents appearance aspects of a PDF signature field, used with the Certify PDF operation operation of the Signature service. For example, you can specify that the name of the signer and the date must be displayed within the signature.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

The data items that PDFSignatureAppearanceOptionSpec variables contain.


A string value with a finite number of valid values that specify the appearance type of the signature. This value is used only for the visible signature fields. This value is ignored for invisible signature fields. The default value is Name.

These string values are valid:

No Graphic:
The appearance of the signature consists of only the signature text.

The appearance of the signature consists of a graphic area and a text area. The graphic area displays the PDF document specified by the Graphic PDF Document option. The text area displays the signature text.

The appearance of the signature consists of a graphic area and a text area. The graphic area displays a graphic of the name of the signer and the text area displays the signature text.


A document value that represents the graphic that appears within the signature when the Graphic signature type is configured. The value can be PDF documents only.


A double value that represents the opacity of the logo that appears within the signature. The valid values are between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). The default value is 0.5.


A document value that represents the PDF document that appears within the signature. The value can be PDF documents only.


A boolean value that indicates whether the date is displayed within the signature. The default value of true indicates that the date is displayed. A value of false indicates that the date is not displayed.


A boolean value that specifies whether the default Adobe logo is displayed within the signature. The default value of true indicates that the default Adobe logo is displayed within the signature. A value of false indicates that the Adobe logo is not displayed.


A boolean value that indicates whether the Distinguished Name (DN) of the signer certificate is shown in the signature. The default value of true indicates that the DN is displayed. A value of false indicates that the DN is not displayed.


A boolean value that indicates whether labels for the various displayed items are displayed within the signature. The default value of true indicates that the labels are displayed. A value of false indicates that the labels are not displayed.


A boolean value that specifies whether the specified location is displayed within the signature. The default value of true indicates that the location is displayed. A value of false indicates that the location is not displayed.


A boolean value that specifies whether the name of the signer is displayed within the signature. The default value of true indicates that the name is displayed. A value of false indicates.


A boolean value that specifies whether the reason for signing the PDF document is displayed within the signature. The default value of true indicates that the reason is displayed. A value of false indicates that the reason is not displayed.


A TextDirection value that specifies the direction of the text displayed within the signature. These values are valid:

The direction of the text is based on the auto values.

The direction of the text is from left to right.

The direction of the text is from right to left.

Datatype specific settings

Properties for configuring appearance aspects of a PDF signature.

Signature Type

Sets the appearance type of the signature. The default value is Name. Select one of these values:

No Graphic:
The appearance of the signature consists of only the signature text.

The appearance of the signature consists of a graphic area and a text area. The graphic area displays the PDF document specified by the Graphic PDF Document option. The text area displays the signature text.

The appearance of the signature consists of a graphic area and a text area. The graphic area displays a graphic of the name of the signer and the text area displays the signature text.

Graphic PDF Document

Sets the graphic that is displayed within the signature if a signature type of Graphic is used. Only a PDF file can be used. This option can be set if Graphic is selected in the Signature Type list.

When you click the ellipsis button  , the Open dialog box opens. In the dialog box, you can select a file from your computer or from a network location. During run time, if you selected a file from a location on your computer, it must exist in the same location on LiveCycle Server.

Use Default Adobe PDF Logo

Select this option to display the default Adobe PDF logo within the signature appearance. When this option is deselected, the Adobe logo is not displayed. By default, the option is selected.

Logo PDF Document

Sets a PDF document to display within the signature appearance. The PDF document contains an image to display. This option can be set when the Use Default Adobe PDF Logo option is deselected.

When you click the ellipsis button, the Open dialog box opens. In the dialog box, you can select a file from your computer or from a network location. During run time, if you selected a file from a location on your computer, it must exist in the same location on LiveCycle Server.

Logo Opacity

Sets the opacity of the logo that is displayed within the signature. Valid values are from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Can be set only if Use Default Adobe PDF Logo is deselected. If any value outside this range is specified, the default of 0.50 is used.

Text Direction

Sets the direction of the text displayed within the signature. The default value is Auto. Select one of these values:

Use the direction specified by the PDF document.

The text direction is left to right.

The text direction is right to left.

Show Name

Select this option to display the name of the signer in the digital signature. When this option is deselected, the name of the signer is not displayed. By default, the option is selected.

Show Reason

Select this option to display the reason the PDF document was signed in the digital signature. When this option is deselected, the reason is not displayed. By default, the option is selected.

Show Distinguished Name

Select this option to display the certificate of the signer in the digital signature. When this option is deselected, the certificate is not displayed. By default, the option is selected.

Show Date

Select this option to display the date the PDF document was signed in the digital signature. When this option is deselected, the date is not displayed. By default, the option is selected.

Show Location

Select this option to display the location the PDF document was signed in the digital signature. When this option is deselected, the location is not displayed. By default, the option is selected.

Show Labels

Select this option to display the labels for the preceding display items. When this option is deselected, the labels for the preceding display items are not displayed. By default, the option is selected.

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