Business Calendar Date

A complex data type that represents a date in a business calendar. A business calendar date is calculated using the specified number of days, the start date, and a business calendar, which is configured on LiveCycle Server.

The Business Calendar Date data type can be used as the values of operation properties that accept a dateTime value. Business dates that are calculated from a Business Calendar Date value are automatically coerced to a dateTime value.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

The data items that Business Calendar Date variables contain.


A string value that represents the name of the business calendar to use.


A dateTime value that represents the calculated business calendar date. This date is calculated when the property is requested.


A long value that represents the number of business days. This value is used in the calculation of the date property.


A dateTime value that represents the time of day that is assigned to the date property for a Business Calendar Date value. Though this is a dateTime value, only the time portion of the value is used that includes the hours, minutes, and seconds.


A dateTime value that represents the starting date for the business calendar calculation.

Datatype specific settings

Properties for business days and business calendar to use.

Number of Business Days

An int value that represents the number of business days.

Business Calendar Name

A string value that represents the name of the business calendar to use. A business calendar is configured on LiveCycle Server.

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