Management administration event related to administrative actions.
- Priority:
- 3
- Severity:
- Medium
- Event Data:
- Audit event data for a single event.
- EventID:
- A string value identifying the unique ID
associated with the audit in the Rights Management service.
- EventNamespace:
- A string value identifying the namespace
qualifier for the event type.
- EventType:
- A string value representing unique values
within an event namespace.
- EventDate:
- A dateTime value representing the time when
the event occurred.
- EventDetail:
- A string value representing the message
string containing the event information.
- PrincipalName:
- A string value representing the name of
the authenticated principal that was used to cause the event to
- PrincipalUID:
- A string value representing the unique ID
of the authenticated principal that was used to cause the event
to occur.
- WasAllowed:
- A boolean value representing whether the
action was successful or failed.
- WasOnline:
- A boolean value representing whether the
operation happened online or offline.
- ClientIPAddress:
- A string value representing the IP address
of the client that connects to the server.
- LicenseID:
- A string value representing the unique ID
of the license associated with the secured document in the Rights
Management service.
- PolicyID:
- A string value representing the unique ID
for the policy in the Rights Management service.
- Deactivation:
- Upon notification
- Event Message:
- None