Adding event data to send

* New for 9.5 *

For throw events, you can configure the data that you want to send. The event data is sent is defined by the data schema for the event. System events are configured with a set of elements that you send when the event is thrown. Custom events types require that you provide XML Schema Definition (XSD) to define the element structure of the data you send.

When you map data to send, the expression consists of the following form:
expression1 operator expression2
  • expression1 is an XPath expression that evaluates to a value in the process data tree.

  • operation is always the equal sign (=).

  • expression2 is an XPath expression that evaluates to a value in the event’s source data set or a value in the process data tree.

In the following example mapping, the expression stores a credit score from an application form in the creditscore variable.
 /process_data/@creditscore = /data/applicants/Applicant/creditscore
If you do not specify any process data map expressions, no values are configured for the event data that is sent with the event throw. In addition to event data, you can send addition event message data for an event throw using an XML variable. Typically, event message data is not meant to be altered and used as a document of record.

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