4.2 LiveCycle ES3 pre-configuration tasks for upgrade

  1. If you did not start Configuration Manager automatically from the installation program, navigate to the [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/bin directory and run the ConfigurationManager.bat/sh script.

  2. If prompted, select a language and click OK.

  3. If you are prompted to use existing Configuration Data, click OK.

  4. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  5. Select either Upgrade from LiveCycle ES Update1 or Upgrade from LiveCycle ES2 or ES2.5 on the Upgrade Task Selection screen and click Next to continue.

  6. On Correspondence Management Solution Selection screen, Correspondence Management Solution 10.0.2 option is selected by default. With this option selected, you will be presented with the configuration screens to configure Correspondence Management Solution.

    Click Next to continue.

  7. On the Modules screen, select the LiveCycle ES3 modules you plan to configure and deploy and then click Next.

    Note: You must install and deploy as many or more modules than those on your existing LiveCycle system.
  8. On the Task Selection screen, select all the tasks you want to perform and click Next.

    Note: You must select the Initialize LiveCycle Database option when you are upgrading.

    For an upgrade install, make sure that you perform all the tasks sequentially without skipping any, to avoid upgrade issues.

  9. On the In-place vs Out-of-place Upgrade screen, review the information provided and ensure that you have performed all the appropriate prerequisites and then click Next.

  10. On the Pre-upgrade Steps and Pre-upgrade Steps Contd screens, review the requirements and perform all tasks relevant to your environment, and then click Next.

  11. (Out-of-place upgrade on the same computer only) Shutdown Previous LiveCycle screen indicates that you must shut down your existing LiveCycle application server and then click Next.

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