Login issues

If you cannot access any of the LiveCycle web applications, such as Administration Console or Workspace web pages, ensure that the following conditions exist:

  • The LiveCycle database tables were created and the user has appropriate rights to the database.

  • The database server is accessible when you ping it.

Note: Only administrators with the appropriate roles can access the Workspace application. For information about roles and permissions, see LiveCycle Administration Help.

If you cannot log in to Administration Console as a user with administrator privileges, do the following tasks:

  • Try to log in as Super Administrator, that is, use Administrator as the user ID. This user always checks in to the local database before going to any other authentication provider.

  • Ensure that the custom SPI conditions described below exist.

  • Check whether the administrator user has all the required roles. If your LDAP tree has an administrator name, the LiveCycle roles may have been overwritten. Contact Adobe Enterprise Support.

If you cannot log in to the Workspace web pages, ensure that the following conditions exist:

  • The host file contains the Workspace server name.

  • The Workspace server is accessible when you ping it.

  • Neither the client nor the Workspace server are blocked by a firewall.

  • The settings for the Workspace server name, JNDI, or URL provider port are correct.

If you are using a custom SPI and cannot log in, ensure that the following conditions exist:

  • Check the config.xml file to ensure that the association between the domain and its authentication provider is correct. If it is incorrect or absent, login authentication will fail. The domain must be configured in the config.xml file as follows:

    <node name="Domains"> 
        <node name="<Domain_Name"> 
                <entry key="description" value="any suitable discription"/> 
                <entry key="name" value="<Domain_Name>"/> 
                <entry key="isLocal" value="true/false"/> 
            <node name="AuthConfigs"> 
                    <node name="<Profile_Name"> 
                            <entry key="authProviderNode" value="/Adobe/LiveCycle/Config/UM/AuthProviders/<AuthenticationProvider"/> 
            <node name="DirectoryConfigs">
  • Every domain keeps a reference of the authentication provider it uses for authentication. Ensure that the authentication provider is configured in the config.xml file as follows:

    <root type="system"> 
           <node name="Adobe"> 
             <node name="LiveCycle"> 
               <node name="Config"> 
                 <node name="UM"> 
                   <node name="AuthProviders"> 
                     <node name="Authentication Provider"> 
                         <entry key="configured" value="true"/> SHOULD BE TRUE 
                         <entry key="visibleInUI" value="false"/> 
                         <entry key="enabled" value="true"/> 
                         <entry key="allowMultipleConfigs" value="false"/> 
                         <entry key="className" value="com.adobe.idp.um.provider.authentication.CertificateAuthProviderImpl"/> SHOULD BE NON NULL  
                         <entry key="order" value="5"/>

Access the Services page in Administration Console on JBoss

If you go to the Services page in Administration Console and the page appears blank, perform this workaround to ensure that the page displays correctly:

  1. Start JBoss Application Server manually (not using the Windows service) using the command:

            run -b localhost -c <profile name>

    Use the profile name as per your installation e.g. all, standard, lc_<dbname>, etc.

  2. In the Windows hosts file located in the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. . . \hosts directory, add the IP address and host name of the server.

Login pages appear even after SSO authentication

The Workspace and Administration Console login pages appear even after SSO has been configured and the user has authenticated using it.

To resolve this issue, create a new realm that filters to /um/login and add it to the policy.

Example resolution for SiteMinder

To resolve this issue for SiteMinder 6.0, perform these steps while configuring SiteMinder with LiveCycle:

  1. Create a realm named UM Login that filters to /um/login. All authentications will route through this realm.

  2. Create a rule for the new realm. While doing so, specify ‘*’ as the resource.

  3. In the Response Properties dialog box, specify Auth Response as the name and the add an attribute with the value ADB_USER=<%userattr=”cn”%>.

  4. Add UM Login to the policy as a rule.

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