Troubleshooting your application server

This section describes possible issues you may encounter with your application server and how to troubleshoot them using log files.

Application server does not start

If the server does not start, perform these checks:

  • Check the application server log file.

  • Check whether the server is already running. If so, it continues to run but fails to initialize. Stop and restart the application server.

  • Check whether another process is using any of the ports configured for LiveCycle server.

  • See the manufacturer’s documentation.

JBoss Application Server issues

Content Services deployment fails after a JBoss server restart

If deployment of Content Services fails after a JBoss Application Server restart, add Java processes and mysqld-max-nt.exe to the safe-processes list of your anti-virus software.

The error code 13 that appears in the logs is a permission-denied error.

WebLogic Server issues

Configuration Manager hangs when redeploying an EAR file

Configuration Manager may hang at an incomplete stage when redeploying a LiveCycle EAR file, and fail to deploy the new EAR file.

This problem occurs occasionally when WebLogic Server does not release a currently deployed EAR file. Perform the following procedure to correct this problem:

  1. Stop Configuration Manager,

  2. Manually remove the existing version of the LiveCycle EAR file that you want to update.

  3. Stop and restart the administrative and managed WebLogic Servers.

  4. Run Configuration Manager to deploy the new EAR file.

WebSphere Application Server issues

Problems deleting directory tree on WebSphere

If you are unable to delete a WebSphere directory tree, it may be because the path is too long. For example, you may be unable to delete the following file, which is used by Adobe® LiveCycle® Rights Management:

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps\[machine name]Node01Cell\LiveCycleES3.ear\rest-webservice.war\WEB-INF\classes\com\adobe\rightsmanagement\webservices\rest\serialization\objects\RestPolicyInfoSerializer$PolicyInfoStruct.class

To resolve this problem, map a drive to the location from which you want to delete files (in this example, C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps) and then delete the files from that mapped drive.

To map a drive location and delete files from the command line:

  1. Map a drive to the location you want to delete from. For example:

    net use L: \\<hostname>\C$\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps

  2. Change to the mapped drive. For example:


  3. Delete the files. For example:

    del /s /q *

  4. Change back to the original drive. For example:


  5. Delete the drive mapping. For example:

    net use L: /delete

Alternatively, you can rename a directory in the path to one-character name to make the path shorter and then delete the files.

OutOfMemory PermGen space error (WebSphere on Solaris)

If you are using WebSphere application server on Solaris, Configuration Manager might fail during LiveCycle component deployment with the OutOfMemory PermGen space error.

To avoid this error, add the following parameter in application server's Generic JVM Arguments section:


Restart the application server and then proceed normally. For more information, see the Preparing to Install LiveCycle (Single Server) document.

Application server stops responding (WebSphere and DB2 on AIX)

If multiple users use Workbench at the same time in a WebSphere and DB2 configuration on AIX, LiveCycle server might stop responding when a user tries to deploy an application.

To avoid this error, do the following:

  1. Open [Workbench_HOME]\workbench.ini file using a text editor.

  2. Locate the following line, and change the value to 1.


  3. Save and close the file.

NullPointerException while accessing Contentspace (deprecated)

If you encounter a NullPointerException while trying to access Adobe LiveCycle Contentspace 9 (deprecated), restart the application server and access Contentspace again.

This issue is observed only on WebSphere.

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