Working with contents and spaces

Content is a file or document that consists of two main elements: the content itself and information about the content (metadata). For example, the files can be documents, video, audio, images, XML, HTML, and so on. Content can be added to or created in spaces within the Content Services (deprecated) repository and can be classified and organized into categories.

A space is used to store and organize content items and other spaces. A space can hold any type of content.

You can use the Document Management service operations to perform the following tasks:

Create a space:
Create a space in Content Services (deprecated).

Create a space from an existing space or template:
Create a space in Content Services (deprecated), based on an existing space or a template. All the rules, contents, and users are copied to the new space from the existing space or template.

View contents of a specified space:
Retrieve a list of files and spaces that are present in the specified space.

Delete content or a space:
Delete specified content or a space and its related metadata. When you delete a space, all of its contents are also deleted. When you delete content, all versions of that content are deleted.

Copy a content item or space:
Copy a specified content item or space and its related metadata from one space to another. When you copy a space, all of its contents are also copied.

If the target location already contains a space with the same name, the new space is named Copy of [space name].

Store content:
Store or update content and its metadata in the Content Services (deprecated) repository.

Move a content item or space:
Move specified content or a space and its related metadata from one location (space) to another. When you move a space, all of its contents are also moved.

Retrieve content:
Retrieve specified content and its related metadata.

Import content:
Add content that is stored in a ZIP file or an ACP file into the repository. An ACP file is created when you export content from LiveCycle Contentspace. The original hierarchical structure of content is preserved at the new location.

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