Converting to non-interactive form

To use dynamic Adobe PDF forms and the Signature service, convert the forms to non-interactive PDF forms.

This scenario typically involves the use of dynamic Adobe PDF forms for gathering data. After the data-gathering activities are complete, the form is converted to a non-interactive PDF form that is used with the Signature service:

  • Signature fields are added to the non-interactive form.

  • The Signature service can add a signature to the form.

  • The form can be sent to users to digitally sign, and then the Signature service can validate the signatures.

    You cannot display non-interactive forms to users in Workspace. However, you can attach non-interactive forms to the Workspace tasks by using the User service. You can also distribute the forms through email messages.

Use the Output service to convert dynamic PDF forms to non-interactive PDF forms.

Note: When forms that contain digital signatures are converted to non-interactive PDF forms, the digital signatures are not preserved. Only the appearance of the digital signatures is preserved.

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