Rendering interactive PDF forms

The Forms service renders interactive PDF forms or XDP files to client devices such as a web browser. After an interactive form is rendered, a user can enter data into form fields and click a submit button to send information back to the Forms service. Adobe Reader® or Acrobat must be installed on the computer hosting the client web browser for an interactive PDF form to be visible.

Before you can render a form using the Forms service, you must create a form design. Typically, a form design is created in Designer and is saved as an XDP file.

Note: In LiveCycle 7.x releases, the Forms service created non-tagged PDF files by default. In LiveCycle ES3, the Forms service creates tagged PDF files by default.

Rendering forms at the client

Use the client-side rendering capability of Acrobat or Adobe Reader to optimize the PDF content delivery and improve the Forms service’s ability to handle network load This process is known as rendering a form at the client. To render a form at the client, the client device (typically a web browser) must use Acrobat 7.0 or Adobe Reader 7.0 or later.

Use the client-side rendering capability of Acrobat or Adobe Reader to optimize the PDF content delivery and improve the Forms service’s ability to handle network load

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