Using the Email service

You can interact with the Email service by developing a process in LiveCycle that uses the service. You can accomplish the following tasks by using the Email service:

  • Configure the Email service with default properties for connecting to an SMTP server for sending email messages. Also configure the connection to either a POP3 or IMAP server for receiving messages.

  • Receive email messages and attachments from either a POP3 or IMAP email server. You can save metadata about the email, as well as the message content. You can also set filters for email messages, and set properties about the email server and user account to use.

  • Send an email message that has one or more attachments to an SMTP server.

    For information about developing processes that use this service, see Workbench Help.

    You can also use the Applications and Services pages of Administration Console to configure default properties for this service. (See Email service settings in LiveCycle Administration Console Help.)

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