The LiveCycle Connector for EMC Documentum, LiveCycle Connector
for IBM Content Manager, LiveCycle Connector for IBM FileNet, and
LiveCycle Connector for Microsoft SharePoint provide the following
- A content repository connector service:
- These are independent services usable as operations in a
process created in a LiveCycle process:
Content Repository
Connector for EMC Documentum
Content Repository Connector for IBM Content Manager
Content Repository Connector for IBM FileNet
Content Repository Connector for Microsoft SharePoint
developers can use these services in a process to store content and
retrieve content from custom content models in an ECM content repository.
Each connector service provides access to content objects and their metadata
stored in the ECM content repository.
If you have installed
the Adobe LiveCycle Connector for Microsoft SharePoint, you can
enable SharePoint site users to invoke LiveCycle processes such
as converting documents in the SharePoint repository to Adobe PDF
format, applying additional usage rights on Adobe PDF documents,
and securing documents with Adobe Policy. In addition, SharePoint
users can create and initiate workflows that use services available
on the connected LiveCycle server.
Consider the example of
a financial institution automating an account opening process. The
process must let applicants digitally sign application forms, archive
the completed forms in the ECM repository, retrieve the final declaration
and other relevant documentation, assemble those documents into
a single PDF file, and deliver the PDF file to applicants through
email. The LiveCycle application that the financial institution
develops for this process includes content-repository connector-service
operations. These operations are used for the following purposes:
Storing the completed forms in a customer-defined content
object type in the ECM repository.
Retrieving the content, which can be generated from other
ECM applications or assembled from the ECM repository.
- Process Engine Connector for IBM FileNet for IBM FileNet
- Workbench developers can use the Process Engine Connector
for IBM FileNet service for the following purposes:
Creating processes that set and retrieve IBM FileNet Workflow
Step parameters
Dispatching a workflow step in IBM FileNet.
At runtime,
assets can be retrieved from the ECM content repository as part
of completing a business process. For example, end users can access
forms and submit form data from LiveCycle Workspace, EMC Documentum
Webtop, IBM Content Manager client, or IBM FileNet P8 Workplace.
Alternatively, a client application can retrieve and store content
as part of an automated business process.
For more information
about the content repository connectors services and the Process
Engine Connector for IBM FileNet, see Workbench Help.
Note: In
previous releases of LiveCycle, assets could be stored in an ECM
repository. In LiveCycle ES2.5 and LiveCycle ES3, assets are stored
in the native repository, and the repository provider services have
been deprecated. The migration of assets from an ECM repository
to the LiveCycle repository is done when you perform an update to
LiveCycle. For more information, see the LiveCycle Upgrade document for
your application server.