
XML Encryption is the process of generating an <EncryptedData> tag from the http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc namespace. The input must be XML data. The operation to encrypt XML requires the following inputs:
  • XML. The XML that must be encrypted must be well-formed. The XML snippet must contain a single root node and the complete XML declaration. If you want to only encrypt a single tag, ensure that it is wrapped in a well-formed XML, before you encrypt the snippet.

  • Recipient Certificates. The list (collection) of all recipient certificates for which the XML is encrypted. The recipient certificates can point to a com.adobe.idp.Document object, a LiveCycle Truststore alias, or an LDAP URL for the location of the certificate.

  • XPath Expression. An XPath expression that points to the exact section that you want to encrypt.

    Note: The XPath expression should not point to an attribute, values, or comments, and must point to one element only.
  • ID attribute. This unique identifier of the resultant <EncryptedData> tag. Each XPath expression needs to be associated with an ID attribute. The association between the recipient, the XPath list, and the ID will be through a container object. An exception is thrown if an ID is not supplied, or if the ID exists in the input document.

  • Enum value. This value enables the calling application to choose which Symmetric Key Algorithm to use to encrypt XML. The possible values are AES128, AES192, AES256, or TRIPLEDES.

  • isXFA property. A Boolean value that indicates if the content is XFA or not. The default setting for this is false. The value of this property, when true, causes the addition of the XFA-specific EncryptionProperty property to the XML.

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