Invoking a short-lived process by passing an unsecure document using Remoting

To invoke a LiveCycle process from an application built with Flex, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a mx:RemoteObject instance.

  2. Create a ChannelSet instance.

  3. Pass required input values.

  4. Handle return values.

Note: This section discusses how to invoke a LiveCycle process and upload a document when LiveCycle is configured to upload unsecure documents. For information about how to invoke LiveCycle processes and upload secure documents and how to configure LiveCycle to accept secure and unsecure documents, see Passing secure documents to invoke processes using Remoting.

Creating a mx:RemoteObject instance

You create a mx:RemoteObject instance to invoke a LiveCycle process created in Workbench. To create a mx:RemoteObject instance, specify the following values:

  • id: The name of the mx:RemoteObject instance that represents the process to invoke.

  • destination: The name of the LiveCycle process to invoke. For example, to invoke the MyApplication/EncryptDocument process, specify MyApplication/EncryptDocument.

  • result: The name of the Flex method that handles the result.

Within the mx:RemoteObject tag, specify a <mx:method> tag that specifies the name of the process’s invocation method. Typically, the name of a LiveCycle invocation method is invoke.

The following code example creates a mx:RemoteObject instance that invokes the MyApplication/EncryptDocument process.

<mx:RemoteObject id="EncryptDocument" destination="MyApplication/EncryptDocument" result="resultHandler(event);"> 
         <mx:method name="invoke" result="handleExecuteInvoke(event)"/> 

Create a Channel to LiveCycle

A client application can invoke LiveCycle by specifying a Channel in MXML or ActionScript, as the following ActionScript example shows. The Channel must be an AMFChannel, SecureAMFChannel, HTTPChannel, or SecureHTTPChannel.

    private function refresh():void{ 
        var cs:ChannelSet= new ChannelSet(); 
        cs.addChannel(new AMFChannel("my-amf",  
        EncryptDocument.setCredentials("administrator", "password"); 
        EncryptDocument.channelSet = cs; 

Assign the ChannelSet instance to the mx:RemoteObject instance’s channelSet field (as shown in the previous code example). Generally, you import the channel class in an import statement rather than specifying the fully qualified name when you invoke the ChannelSet.addChannel method.

Passing input values

A process created in Workbench can take zero or more input parameters and return an output value. A client application passes input parameters within an ActionScript object with fields that correspond to parameters that belong to the LiveCycle process. The short-lived process, named MyApplication/EncryptDocument, requires one input parameter named inDoc. The name of the operation exposed by the process is invoke (the default name for a short-lived process). (See Invoking LiveCycle using Remoting.)

The following code example passes a PDF document to the MyApplication/EncryptDocument process:

    var params:Object = new Object(); 
    //Document is an instance of DocumentReference 
    //that store an unsecured PDF document 
    params["inDoc"] = pdfDocument; 
    // Invoke an operation synchronously: 

In this code example, pdfDocument is a DocumentReference instance that contains an unsecured PDF document. For information about a DocumentReference, see Handling documents with Remoting.

Invoking a specific version of a service

You can invoke a specific version of a LiveCycle service by using a _version parameter in the invocation's parameter map. For example, to invoke version 1.2 of the MyApplication/EncryptDocument service:

var params:Object = new Object(); 
params["inDoc"] = pdfDocument; 
params["_version"] = "1.2" 
var token:AsyncToken = echoService.echoString(params);

The version parameter must be a string containing a single period. The values to the left, major version, and right, minor version, of the period must be integers. If this parameter is not specified, the head active version is invoked.

Handling return values

LiveCycle process output parameters are deserialized into ActionScript objects from which the client application extracts specific parameters by name, as the following example shows. (The output value of the MyApplication/EncryptDocument process is named outDoc.)

    var res:Object = event.result; 
    var docRef:DocumentReference = res["outDoc"] as DocumentReference; 

Invoking the MyApplication/EncryptDocument process

You can invoke the MyApplication/EncryptDocument process by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a mx:RemoteObject instance through either ActionScript or MXML. (See Creating a mx:RemoteObject instance)

  2. Set up a ChannelSet instance to communicate with LiveCycle, and associate it with the mx:RemoteObject instance. (See Create a Channel to LiveCycle.)

  3. Call the ChannelSet’s login method or the service’s setCredentials method to specify the user identifier value and password. (See Using single sign-on.)

  4. Populate an mx.rpc.livecycle.DocumentReference instance with an unsecured PDF document to pass to the MyApplication/EncryptDocument process. (See Passing a document as an input parameter.)

  5. Encrypt the PDF document by calling the mx:RemoteObject instance’s invoke method. Pass the Object that contains the input parameter (which is the unsecured PDF document). (See Passing input values.)

  6. Retrieve the password-encrypted PDF document that is returned from the process. (See Handling return values.)

Quick Start: Invoking a short-lived process by passing an unsecure document using LiveCycle Remoting

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