2.1.1 Upgrading to LiveCycle ES3 for JBoss Turnkey

The Upgrading to LiveCycle ES3 for JBoss Turnkey from 8.x document includes all the steps that are required to upgrade to LiveCycle ES3 for JBoss and MySQL from LiveCycle ES (8.x) by using the turnkey method. The turnkey method installs, configures, and upgrades the product.

You can upgrade using the turnkey method if you installed LiveCycle ES (8.x) by using JBoss turnkey and if the modules are deployed to the JBoss instance that was included as part of the turnkey installation.

Note: The LiveCycle ES3 turnkey option runs on JBoss 4.2.1 only. The LiveCycle ES3 installation will install and configure this product. Your existing JBoss 4.0.3 SP1 server instance can be removed once you have verified that your upgraded environment is working.

Perform this type of upgrade to rapidly get a LiveCycle ES3 system up and running for small-scale production, demonstration, evaluation, development, or training purposes. The turnkey method installs and configures a default set of Adobe and third-party products that provide a functioning LiveCycle ES3 environment.

Note: To perform an upgrade by using the turnkey method, you do not need to perform many of the steps in this document (Preparing for Upgrading to LiveCycle ES3). It is recommended that you review the section 3 Understanding the Changes in LiveCycle ES3 . However, all preparatory information for turnkey upgrades, including system requirements, are included in Upgrading to LiveCycle ES3 for JBoss Turnkey.

You can also upgrade using the turnkey method if your LiveCycle ES3 system will reside on a different computer. In this case, however, you will need to configure your database and global document storage (GDS) directory separately. The major tasks involved are:

  • Manually copy the GDS directory to the new computer.

  • Manually copy the lccs_data directory to the new computer or on a shared network drive.

  • Manually restore your database backup to the new computer.

  • Provide the details of the new GDS directory and database during configuration.

Note: While upgrading to LiveCycle ES3 using turnkey method, you must specify the same database credentials as for your LiveCycle ES 8.x turnkey installation.

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