2.2 Upgrading task outline

This section outlines the tasks that are involved in the upgrade process, from the planning stage to the post-deployment stage.

To upgrade from LiveCycle ES Update 1 or LiveCycle ES2 to LiveCycle ES3, you must complete the following tasks.



Understand the upgrade process (high-level section).

3 Understanding the Changes in LiveCycle ES3

Read the Upgrade Checklist and Planning guide

Upgrade Checklist and Planning

Run the Enterprise Readiness Tool and check how ready is your software infrastructure to run LiveCycle ES3.

3.3 Enterprise Readiness Tool

(In-place) Reuse or patch the existing application server instance to ensure that you have the supported version.

(Out-of-place) Install the appropriate operating system and application server versions.

5 System Requirements

Ensure that you have all the information about passwords, directory locations, and credentials that you need.

4.3 Gathering required information before you start

Back up all existing data, resources, directories.

Upgrade Checklist and Planning guide

Install LiveCycle ES3.

Upgrading to LiveCycle ES3 for your application server

Run Configuration Manager to upgrade to and configure LiveCycle ES3.

  • Upgrading to LiveCycle ES3 for your application server

  • Configuration Manager Help (Press F1 on the Configuration Manager screen)

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