4.6 Creating a MySQL database

Note: The information contained in this document is meant for users who are installing MySQL manually and not for a turnkey installation. See Installing and Deploying LiveCycle for JBoss Using Turnkey.

Use the MySQL tools to create a MySQL 5 database for use with LiveCycle and a MySQL user account that the application server can use to connect to the database. You also must modify the MySQL database server configuration. For information about creating the database and user account, see the MySQL documentation. LiveCycle supports MySQL 5 with JBoss 5.1.

Note: MySQL does not support the use of special characters or spaces in the user name or password. Ensure that your user name and password adhere to this restriction. Also, to avoid Scheduler errors, do not use a dash (-) in the MySQL database name.
Note: On AIX, Linux, or Solaris, you must set the lower_case_table_names system variable to 1 to ensure that table names are case-insensitive. On Windows systems, this parameter does not have any effect. For more information about setting table names for case-sensitivity, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/identifier-case-sensitivity.html.
Note: To set up a database schema and new users on MySQL by using a graphical user interface (GUI), you must install the MySQL Administrator tool. (See the MySQL user documentation.)

When installing the MySQL database, you must specify UTF-8 character encoding in the Variables section of the MYSQL UI.

You need the following information when you configure the data source on JBoss:

  • User name and password of the MySQL user account

  • Host name or IP address of database server

  • MySQL port number

4.6.1 Limitation on document usage in processes for MySQL databases

The MySQL database limits the amount of data that can be stored in a table row. Processes that involve multiple instances of documents can require more storage space than the MySQL row size limitation. Because LiveCycle stores data for a process instance in a single table row, processes that involve large amounts of data can exceed the MySQL limitation on row size, causing errors to occur.

If you run a process that involves many instances of documents and errors occur in the database, you can redesign the process so that the operations that handle documents execute in several subprocesses. For example, you can redesign your process so that its operations are executed in two processes. The first process includes the first half of the operations of the original process, and the second process includes the last half of the operations. The first process must include the invoke operation of the second process so that the second process runs as a subprocess.

4.6.2 MySQL user account

The MySQL user account that you create must have these privileges to access the tables in the LiveCycle database:






  • DROP






4.6.3 MySQL initial server configuration requirements

The following configuration setting is required in the mysqld section of the my.ini file (Windows) or /etc/my.cnf file (AIX, Linux, or Solaris):

  • max_allowed_packet=25M

    Note: Failure to configure this setting will result in “packet too large” errors that will cause module deployment to fail.

    These configuration settings are recommended in the mysqld section of the my.ini file (Windows) or /etc/my.cnf file (AIX, Linux, or Solaris):

  • key_buffer_size=64M

  • sort_buffer_size=1M

  • default-storage-engine= INNODB

  • innodb_buffer_pool_size=100M

  • innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=5M

  • innodb_log_file_size=170M

  • innodb_log_buffer_size=8M

  • innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2

  • query_cache_type=2

  • default-character-set=utf8

  • read_buffer_size=1M

  • read_rnd_buffer_size=1M

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