How Forms works

The forms for use with Forms are typically created in Designer . Forms also supports Acrobat forms. The form author can deploy the form designs for use with Forms either as XDP files or PDF files, depending on the requirements of the business process. Forms can render an XDP file as an HTML form or a PDF form. A PDF file is rendered as a PDF form.

The end-user environment consists of a web browser (for HTML forms) together with Adobe Reader (for PDF forms). Forms can detect the browser type and dynamically generate a PDF form or an HTML form based on the following input:

  • Form design created in Designer

  • Form preference that the developer identifies in the LiveCycle application.

When end users request a document from Forms, the request initiates a series of specific processes and interactions among the web application, Forms, and the web browser. The request can be initiated by clicking a button or an image on a web page, After receiving the form, end users can interact with it online. When end users are finished with the form, they submit it, along with form data, back to Forms.

The following illustration and the list below provide an example of how Forms processes a request from an end user.

  1. The end user accesses a web page and requests a form.

  2. The web application invokes Forms and requests the form.

  3. Forms retrieves the form design from a repository and data, and then merges the form design with the data to prepopulate parts of the form. The data can come from a variety of sources, such as an enterprise database, another form, or another application.

  4. Forms determines the format to render the prepopulated form as based on the browser information that is passed with the call. The format of a form can also be set programmatically by using the Forms Service API.

  5. Forms transforms the form design into PDF or HTML and then returns the prepopulated form to the end user.

  6. The end user completes the form and then submits the form data back to Forms. Before form data is submitted back to Forms, applicable client-side scripts are run. For example, a user may be prompted to provide a value for a mandatory form field.

  7. Forms extracts the submitted data, runs server-side scripts associated with the button that was clicked, and then executes the calculations and validations on the form.

  8. Forms returns the results. If validations fail, the result may be a form that is returned to the end user. However, if validations are successful, the result may be XML data.

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