How Production Print works

  1. Within Design Center a new project is designed addressing all of the steps required for a complete process.

  2. The developer identifies the data source, XML data, ASCII data, and SAP formats.

  3. The developer designs a form using Designer that can be launched within Design Center or the developer associates a form with the process for the data source.

  4. Forms can be stored in and accesses from the LiveCycle repository.

  5. The developer then establishes the further stages of the process, sorting documents in the post processing repository, rendering to final format (AFP), applying marks (OMR or barcode including 2D Datamatrix) to drive insert, and enveloping machines.

  6. The project is saved and put into production using Control Center.

  7. In Workbench, a process is designed using the Production Print service to invoke the process designed in Design Center.

  8. At run-time, LiveCycle passes a data file to the Production Print run-time. The data file is processed, generating an AFP print file that contains OMR marks for inserts and automatic enveloping.

  9. The file is submitted to an AFP roll-feed printer that prints images 2 beside each other.

  10. The printed roll is fed through a machine that cuts the roll to sheets.

  11. The printed sheets are passed to the insertion machine and processed. Thousands of envelopes are generated and placed into the mail-stream for distribution.

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