repository provides the capability to manage the assets that developers create
as part of their LiveCycle applications.
Developers can access the repository by using the Form Design
perspective in Workbench or programmatically using the repository
API. A developer must be granted access before accessing the repository.
Each time a developer uses Workbench, a connection to the repository
is made. The repository is exposed as a hierarchical directory structure.
One or more developers can share the repository from Workbench.
Staging and production systems each have their own repository.
For example, an organization’s quality assurance team tests a service
in their staging environment. When the tests are successful, the
team deploys the service into their production environment. When
a service is deployed into production, it has no dependency on any
design-time assets in the staging environment’s repository. The
organization can optionally use the service registry’s access control mechanisms
to restrict access to the service deployed in the production environment.
This enables the organization to pilot a deployment with a restricted
group of users.