Common architectural foundation

Foundation provides a common architectural foundation that enables a solution component to participate in processes. It provides a common invocation mechanism that ensures consistent access to components, services, and processes. This access is accomplished using the following methods:

  • Java API

  • Web services

  • Watched folders

  • Flex Remoting Service

  • Representational State Transfer (REST)

  • Email

    Foundation also provides a consistent set of public APIs and SPIs. Strongly-typed Java libraries are consistent regardless of the transport protocol used (RMI or SOAP).

    Services can be programmatically invoked from client applications that are developed by using a Java integrated development environment (IDE). You can also invoke services from a Flex or Ajax RIA by using Data Services.

    To develop a client application in a Java development environment, use Java APIs. LiveCycle also enables client applications to invoke its services by using web services:

    Invocation API:
    A Java API that can be used to programmatically invoke any service. Use the Invocation API to invoke services, such as coordinate services that do not have strongly-typed APIs.

    Strongly-typed Java API:
    A Java API that is used to invoke a specific service. A strongly-typed API is known as a service client and is used to invoke only a specific service. That is, you cannot use a service client that belongs to one service to invoke another service. These APIs can use RMI or SOAP as the communication protocol between the client and the LiveCycle server.

    Web services:
    Services in the service container that can be configured to expose a web service, with full support for Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) generation. You can create a proxy library from any service’s WSDL and, using the proxy library, you can invoke a service.

    Watched folders:
    A service that can be invoked from a network folder that an administrator configured as a watched folder through the Administration Console. When a file is placed in the folder, a service operation that manipulates the file is invoked.

    REST endpoints:
    LiveCycle creates REST endpoints. If you can design your short-lived orchestrations in such a way that all input is programmatically picked up by actions within the orchestration, and if the output is a single document, you can invoke the orchestration and get the output by using just a web browser.

    A service that can be invoked when a configured email account receives an email message, typically with a PDF document as an attachment. A LiveCycle administrator configures the email account details through the Administration Console. After LiveCycle performs the operation, it sends an email message to the recipient with a modified PDF document attached.

    For more information about invoking services, see Programming with LiveCycle.

    For information about enabling the invocation of processes, see the Installing LiveCycle Workbench 10

    For more information about configuring watched folders and email accounts for invoking services, see the LiveCycle Administration Console Help.

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