
Workspace is an intuitive Flex-based application that lets end users initiate and participate in form-based business processes by using a web browser.

Using Workspace, users can perform these tasks:

  • Fill forms that initiate a business process.

  • Complete tasks by responding to email notifications that they receive for new tasks. Developers can include user actions in the email message as links. Users either click the action in the email message or reply with the action as the first line of the reply message.

  • Open forms that were routed to a user or to a group queue to review, approve, or provide more information.

  • When users open their task, they can add comments to it and view the comments that other reviewers added. Users can also see which action other users selected when they submitted their task.

  • Add attachments and comments to a task and restrict access.

  • Search for forms that are part of a completed business process or active processes that the user initiated or participated in.

  • Have custom searches and filters based on process variables.

  • View process categories and a list of tasks.

  • Select processes and place them in a Favorites folder for easy access.

  • Share tasks and consult with other users.

  • Track processes and look at the audit trail.

  • Initiate new processes from previously archived forms.

  • Receive a request for Workspace electronic signature by confirming the validity of the information when completing a task. All the information required to determine whether the user confirmed the validity is stored as process data.

    Single Sign-on (SSO) for Windows lets users go to Workspace without having to authenticate, and 508 compliance lets users with disabilities use Workspace through screen readers such as JAWS.

    Workspace can also be viewed using the Safari browser or integrated as a portlet within a SharePoint portal.

    In the development environment, developers can use Flash Builder to customize the Workspace web interface that end users see. This lets your organization ensure that the Workspace user interface is branded appropriately and customized to meet your business requirements.

LiveCycle Mobile

Provides on-the-go access to your mobile-enabled forms, content, and tasks. Mobile keeps business workflows moving by allowing you to perform tasks and capture data from your mobile device. It can accept or reject travel expenses, document drafts - processes that often cannot wait for you to start your laptop. Data capture experiences allow users to not only enter text, but also snap pictures and add other content. Also, since mobile workers aren't always in a location where there's a connectivity, tasks can be approved, and data captured while the user is offline, and then queued up for submission back to the server when connectivity is available. It also enables Apple® iOS® devices to browse, open, and email files that are stored in your organization’s WebDAV-enabled content management repository.

Users can download and install the application for Android™, Blackberry, and iOS devices to view and complete tasks, as well as capture data and view content while on-the-go.

Forms for mobile environment are created using Guide Builder, in Workbench.

Completion policies

You can complete an Assign Multiple Tasks operation before all the generated tasks are completed. This feature is useful when a decision can be made about a review without receiving a response from every reviewer. For example, the acceptance of a proposal requires a majority of approvals from committee members. You can complete the Assign Multiple Tasks operation immediately after more than 50% of the tasks are completed when the Approve action is selected.

Collection data and XPath functions

The information that is submitted for each task of an Assign Multiple Tasks operation is saved in a collection variable called Task Result Collection. XPath functions can be used to evaluate the results. For example, you can determine how many people selected a specific action or the percentage of people who submitted the action. These functions are useful when assessing the results of document reviews that occur in series.

Multiple user tasks

The User service provides the new Assign Multiple Tasks operation for assigning tasks to several users simultaneously. It allows process developers to construct parallel task assignments based on a list of users or a group.

The Assign Multiple Tasks operation is useful when you need several people to provide similar information. For example, at the end of each fiscal quarter, a process assigns a task to the vice president of each geographical sales group of your organization. To complete their task, each vice president attaches their quarterly sales report and then submits the task. The process retrieves each attachment from the collection of task results and sends them to the senior vice president of sales.

This operation is also useful when you require several people to review and approve the same information (document review-and-approval processes).

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