Administrative settings

Setting invoke permission for a process

In order for a user to see a form on their mobile device the user must have invoke permission on the mobile process that corresponds to the form:

  1. Open Administration Console and click Applications and Services > Service Management. For details on using the Administration Console, see the LiveCycle Administration Help.

  2. Click the name of your mobile process.

  3. On the Security tab, ensure that the Require Callers To Authenticate option is set to Yes.

  4. Click Add Principal and select the users and groups who you want to allow to use the process.

Configuring mobile provisioning

The Mobile Provisioning service controls the behavior of the LiveCycle Mobile client applications and specifies which devices can connect to the LiveCycle Server.

  1. Open Administration Console and click Applications and Services > Service Management. For details on using the Administration Console, see the LiveCycle Administration Help.

  2. Find the MobileProvisioning service and click the service name.

  3. On the Configuration tab, configure these options and then click Save:

    Time to Live:
    Length of time, in seconds, that this provisioning profile is valid and cached on the client. The default is 86400 (24 hours). When a client application syncs with the server and the specified amount of time has passed, the client application requests a new provisioning profile from the server.

    Specifies whether to encrypt data stored on the mobile device.

    Forms Application:
    Enables the Forms feature in the mobile client applications. When this option is selected, users can open forms and initiate processes from their mobile devices.

    Tasks Application:
    Enables the Tasks feature in the mobile client applications. When this option is selected, users can access their task lists and complete tasks from their mobile devices.

    Content Services Application:
    Enables the Content Services feature in the mobile client application. This feature is available only for iOS. When this option is selected, iPhone and iPad users can access files that are stored in your organizations’s WebDAV server.

    Offline Support:
    Enables users to continue using the mobile client applications even when they do not have a connection to the server (for example, when they are out of cell range or in airplane mode). Users must also enable the Offline Support setting on their mobile devices. This feature is available for Android and iOS devices. By default, this feature is off.
    Note: If Offline support has been enabled and then you disable it, the users’ provisioning profiles are updated immediately, or as soon as they are online. If a user has been working offline, all pending tasks are returned to their Tasks list and all items in their Queue, including pending forms, tasks, and forms containing validation errors, are deleted from the Queue.

    Allows Android devices to connect to the server.

    Apple iOS:
    Allows iPhones and iPads to connect to the server.

    Allows devices running apps based on Adobe AIR® to connect to the server.

    Allows BlackBerry devices to connect to the server.

    Android Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync Required:
    Specifies whether Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync policy manager (EAS) must be installed and active on Android devices. When this option is selected, EAS must be enforced on the Android device. When this option is not selected, no check is performed, although other requirements are sill enforced.

    Android Minimum PIN Length:
    Android devices must have a global setting that enforces that the PIN or password is at least this length. Simply having a PIN of the specified length is not sufficient. The PIN length must be enforced by the system so that users cannot remove or shorten the PIN later. The default value is 4.

    Android Maximum Password Retries Before Wipe:
    Android devices have a global setting that wipes the system after a specified number of invalid password attempts. This global setting enabled and equal to or lower than the value specified here. The default value is 5.

    Android Wipe On Removal:
    Specifies what happens when a policy violation occurs on an Android device. When this option is selected, the account is deleted. When this option is not selected, the stored account password and cached data are deleted. No more sync attempts are made until the user fixes the policy violation.

Database maintenance

It is recommended that you run statistics on the LiveCycle database periodically to ensure that the database is performing well. Not running statistics and other periodical database maintenance can lead to performance issues that will cause performance issues with LiveCycle Mobile.

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