Setting up LiveCycle Mobile on your Android device

Launching the application for the first time

  1. Download the application from the Android Market. After installing the application, the LiveCycle icon appears on your Android device. Tap the LiveCycle icon to launch the application.

  2. A screen appears, prompting you to configure an account. This is the account that LiveCycle Mobile uses to retrieve your forms and tasks. Tap Add Account.

    View full size graphic
    Account Configuration screen
  3. If your system administrators have enabled auto configuration, enter your email address (username@domain) and password and tap Next. Otherwise, tap Manual Configuration, supply the following information, and then tap Sign In:
    Host name of the LiveCycle Server. Contact your administrator if you do not have the necessary information.

    Server port
    The port number used by Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services.

    Select this option to use SSL when connecting to the server

    User name that you use to connect to the server

    The password you use to connect to the server

You can connect to one or more LiveCycle Servers, and to one or more user accounts on a server. To add more accounts, see Setting preferences.

Setting preferences

To access the Settings screen, tap the menu button and then tap the Settings icon.

Account Settings

Accounts: You can connect to one or more user accounts on one or more LiveCycle Servers. These are the servers where LiveCycle Mobile retrieves your forms and tasks. To add a server, tap Add Account. If your system administrators have enabled auto configuration, enter your email address (username@domain) and password and tap Next. LiveCycle Mobile populates the correct server and port information automatically. Otherwise, tap Manual Configuration, supply the following information, and then tap Sign In:

  • Server: Host name of the LiveCycle Server. Contact your administrator if you do not have the necessary information.

  • Server port (optional): The port number used by Document Services

  • SSL: Select this option to use SSL when connecting to the server

  • Username: User name that you use to connect to the server

  • Password: The password you use to connect to the server

When you configure more than one account, each account has a color associated with it. In your Tasks and Forms list, a thin line of that color on the left side of the screen indicates which accounts are associated with the items.

View full size graphic
Tasks list with two accounts configured

You can also tap the name of an existing account to access the Account Details screen. This screen provides the following information and options:

  • Username: Displays the user name associated with the account.

  • Server: Displays the URL of the server associated with this account.

  • Synchronize: When this option is selected, data associated with the account is synchronized automatically. When it is not selected, data is synchronized only when you tap the synchronize icon on the menu.

  • Account Enabled: If you disable the account, data for the account is no longer displayed, but the data is not removed from local storage.

  • Edit Account: Enables you to change the settings that you originally configured for the account, including server, port, user name, and password.

  • Remove account: Removes the account and removes any associated data from local storage.

Sync frequency: Specifies how frequently your Task list is synchronized with the LiveCycle Server.

Offline support: If your administrator has enabled offline support, you can select this option. When offline support is enabled, you can continue to use LiveCycle Mobile when your device has no WiFi or mobile connectivity.

When offline support is enabled and you lose connectivity, you can continue to use any tasks, forms, or documents that are on your device. When you submit a task or form, it is saved in your queue. To see the contents of your queue, access tap the menu button and then tap the Queue icon. When you regain connectivity, LiveCycle Mobile automatically submits all queued tasks and data to the server.

A few tips about working offline:
  • Some forms contain an Update button that connects to the server to perform calculations and validations and then updates data in the form. If you tap an Update button while working offline, you get an error message because the server is unavailable.

  • When a server connection is restored, items in your Queue are automatically sent to the server. If a queued form contains a validation error, the server returns it to your Queue.

  • If you disable offline support while you are offline, all pending tasks are returned to your Tasks list. All items in your Queue, including pending forms, tasks, and forms containing validation errors, are deleted from the Queue.

Task Settings

Display shared queues: A shared queue is a task list that another user has shared with you so that you can view and complete their tasks. When this option is selected, tasks from shared queues are displayed in your task list.

Show Overdue Tasks: When this option is selected, tasks that are past their deadline remain in your Tasks list. When this option is not selected, overdue tasks are hidden.

Filter non-mobile tasks: When this option is selected, your Tasks list displays only tasks that can be completed on a mobile device.

Sort tasks: Specifies whether to sort the tasks in your list by date or by deadline.

Notification Settings

Status bar notification: Displays task information in the status bar, including the number of new tasks that are currently assigned to you.

Blink LED: When this option is selected, the LED blinks when you receive a new task. This option is not available on all devices.

Notification sound: When this option is selected, a sound is played when you receive a new task. Select the sound from the list provided.

Vibrate: You can opt to have the device vibrate every time you receive a new task, only when your device is on silent, or never.

General Settings

Date format: Select the format that LiveCycle Mobile uses to display dates.

Time format: Select the format that LiveCycle Mobile uses to display times.

Warning about clearing cache data

Do not clear the cache for the LiveCycle Mobile application for Android (Settings > Applications> Manage Applications> LiveCycle > Clear Cache.) If you clear the LiveCycle Mobile cache, tasks are not downloaded when you synchronize your Task list.

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