Completing tasks

To access your Tasks list, tap the menu button, then tap the Tasks icon.

Tasks are assigned to you as a part of a business process. Depending on the preferences you have set, the Tasks list displays all of the tasks assigned to you, or only the tasks that can be completed on a mobile device. (See Setting preferences.)

When a task is nearing its due date, the deadline date is displayed in orange. When it is past its due date, the deadline is displayed in red.

You can set your preferences to sort your task list by deadline. You can also choose to hide overdue tasks. (See Setting preferences.)

To complete a task, tap on it in the list and follow the instructions provided on the Task Details screen.

If the task you are viewing is part of a business process that prevents you from completing the task without opening it, you cannot complete the task from your mobile device. You must log in to Workspace to complete the task.

Tapping the underlined “From” name on the Task Details screen displays a pop-up window containing contact information for that person. You can tap Phone to place a call, Message to send a text message, or Email to create a new email message.

If you have configured more than one account, each account has a color associated with it. In your Tasks and Forms list, a thin line of that color on the left side of the screen indicates which accounts are associated with the items

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Tasks list with two accounts configured. The first task in the list is also overdue.

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