6.14 Configuring Connector for EMC Documentum

Note: LiveCycle supports EMC Documentum, versions 6.0 and 6.5 only. Make sure your ECM is upgraded accordingly.

If you installed Connector for EMC Documentum as part of your LiveCycle solution, complete the following procedure to configure the service to connect to the Documentum repository.

Configure Connector for EMC Documentum

  1. Locate the adobe-component-ext.properties file in the [JBoss root]/bin folder (if the file does not exist, create it).

  2. Add a new system property that provides the following Documentum Foundation Classes JAR files:

    • dfc.jar

    • aspectjrt.jar

    • log4j.jar

    • jaxb-api.jar

    • (For Connector for EMC Documentum 6.5 only)

      • configservice-impl.jar,

      • configservice-api.jar

    The new system property should take on this form:

    [component id].ext=[JAR files and/or folders]

    For example, using default Content Server and Documentum Foundation Classes installations, add to the file one of the following system properties on a new line, with no line breaks, and end the line with a carriage return:

    • Connector for EMC Documentum 6.5 only:
      C:/Program Files/Documentum/Shared/dfc.jar, 
      C:/Program Files/Documentum/Shared/log4j.jar, 
      C:/Program Files/Documentum/Shared/jaxb-api.jar, 
      C:/Program Files/Documentum/Shared/configservice-impl.jar, 
      C:/Program Files/Documentum/Shared/configservice-api.jar
      Note: The above text contains formatting characters for line breaks. If you copy and paste this text, you must remove the formatting characters.
  3. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

  4. Log in using the default user name and password:

    User name: administrator

    Password: password

  5. Navigate to Services > Connector for EMC Documentum > Configuration Settings and perform these tasks:

    • Type all the required Documentum repository information.

    • To use Documentum as your repository provider, under Repository Service Provider Information, select EMC Documentum Repository Provider, and then click Save. For more information, click the Help link in the upper-right corner of the page in the Adobe LiveCycle ES3 Administration Help.

  6. (Optional) Navigate to Services > Connector for EMC Documentum > Repository Credentials Settings, click Add, specify the Docbase information, and then click Save. (For more information, click Help in the upper-right corner.)

  7. If the application server is not currently running, start the server. Otherwise, stop and then restart the server.

  8. Open a web browser and enter this URL.

  9. Log in using the default user name and password:

    User name: administrator

    Password: password

  10. Navigate to Services > Applications and Services > Service Management and select these services:

    • EMCDocumentumAuthProviderService

    • EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnector

    • EMCDocumentumRepositoryProvider

  11. Click Start. If any of the services do not start correctly, check the settings you completed earlier.

  12. Do one of the following tasks:

    • To use the Documentum Authorization service (EMCDocumentumAuthProviderService) to display content from a Documentum repository in the Resources view of Workbench, continue with this procedure. Using the Documentum Authorization service overrides the default LiveCycle authorization and must be configured to log in to Workbench using Documentum credentials.

    • To use the LiveCycle repository, log in to Workbench by using the LiveCycle super administrator credentials (by default, administrator and password).

    You have now completed the required steps for this procedure. Use the credentials provided in step 19 for accessing the default repository in this case and use the default LiveCycle authorization service.

  13. Restart the application server.

  14. Log in to Administration Console and click Settings > User Management > Domain Management.

  15. Click New Enterprise Domain, and type a domain ID and name. The domain ID is the unique identifier for the domain. The name is a descriptive name for the domain.

    Note: Use only single-byte (ASCII) characters for the ID. (See “Adding enterprise domains” in LiveCycle Administration Help.)
  16. Add a custom authentication provider:

    • Click Add Authentication.

    • In the Authentication Provider list, select Custom.

    • Select EMCDocumentumAuthProvider and then click OK.

  17. Add an LDAP authentication provider:

    • Click Add Authentication.

    • In the Authentication Provider list, select LDAP, and then click OK.

  18. Add an LDAP directory:

    • Click Add Directory.

    • In the Profile Name box, type a unique name, and then click Next.

    • Specify values for the Server, Port, SSL, Binding, and Populate page with options. If you select User for the Binding option, you must also specify values for the Name and Password fields.

    • (Optional) Select Retrieve Base DN to retrieve base domain names, as required.

    • Click Next, configure the user settings, click Next, configure group settings, as required, and then click Next.

      For details about the settings, click User Management Help in the upper-right corner of the page.

  19. Click OK to exit the Add Directory page and then click OK again.

  20. Select the new enterprise domain and click Sync Now. Depending on the number of users and groups in your LDAP network and the speed on your connection, the synchronization process may take several minutes.

    (Optional) To verify the status of the synchronization, click Refresh and view the status in the Current Sync State column.

  21. Navigate to Settings > User Management > Users and Groups.

  22. Search for users that were synchronized from LDAP and perform these tasks:

    • Select one or more users and click Assign Role.

    • Select one or more LiveCycle roles and click OK.

    • Click OK a second time to confirm the role assignment.

      Repeat this step for all users that you assign roles to. For more information, click User Management Help in the upper-right corner of the page.

  23. Start Workbench and log in by using the credentials for the Documentum repository:

    Username: [username]@[repository_name]

    Password: [password]

    After you log in, the Documentum repository appears in the Resources view within Workbench. If you do not log in using the username@repository_name, Workbench attempts to log in to the default repository.

  24. (Optional) To install the LiveCycle Samples for Connector for EMC Documentum, create a Documentum repository named Samples, and then install the samples in that repository.

After you configure the Connector for EMC Documentum service, see LiveCycle Administration Help for information about configuring Workbench with your Documentum repository.

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