Install Adobe® Acrobat® X Pro before running the LiveCycle
installer. Ensure that you launch Acrobat at least once after installing
it to avoid PDF Generator configuration issues. Dismiss all modal
dialog boxes that appear on launching Acrobat.
if LiveCycle is installed and Acrobat is not installed, install
Acrobat and then run the Acrobat_for_PDFG_Configuration.bat script,
located in the folder [LiveCycle root]\pdfg_config. Otherwise,
PDF conversions may fail.
The LiveCycle installer sets the Acrobat_PATH (case
sensitive) environment variable automatically. You can also choose
to set it manually, see 6.13.1 Setting environment variables. Restart your application server after setting
the environment variable.
To use AES 256 encryption in LiveCycle Encryption service to
encrypt a PDF document, you must obtain and install the Java Cryptography
Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files. For
Oracle JDK installed with turnkey installation, download JCE files
from Java SE Downloads. After downloading the policy file, replace
the existing local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar files under [Adobe_JAVA_HOME]/jre/lib/security
folder with the downloaded JAR files.