6.6 Accessing Administration Console

Administration Console is the web-based portal for accessing various configuration pages, where you set run-time properties that control the way LiveCycle operates. When you log in to Administration Console, you can access User Management, watched folder, and email client configuration, as well as administrative configuration options for other services. Administration Console also provides access to Applications and Services, which administrators use for managing archives and deploying services to a production environment.

The default user name and password for logging in to Administration Console is administrator and password. After you log in the first time, you can access User Management and change the password of the LiveCycle administrator account. (See 6.8 Accessing User Management.)

Before you access Administration Console, LiveCycle must be deployed and running on your application server.

For information about using the administration web pages, see Administration Console Help (available from the Help menu of the Administration Console home page).

  1. Open a web browser and enter this URL:

    http://localhost:8080/adminui (local deployment using the default port)

  2. Log in using the default user name and password:

    User name: administrator

    Password: password

  3. Click Log in.

  4. Click Services to access the services’ pages, and click Settings to access the Core System Settings, User Management, and Trust Store Management pages.

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