2.1 Correspondence Management Solution Topology

The following topology diagram displays a recommended setup for the Correspondence Management Solution.

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Topology Diagram

Letter authoring use case

In the topology diagram, the workflow defined for letter publishing by an author is as follows:

  • a - An author connects to the Correspondence Management Author instance via a Dispatcher.

  • b - The Dispatcher redirects the request to one of the configured Author instances based on the load balancing logic.

The author works with this Correspondence Management Author instance to create assets.

Letter previewing use case

In the topology diagram, the workflow defined for letter previewing by and an author is as follows:

  • a - An author connects to the Correspondence Management Author instance via a Dispatcher.

  • b - The Dispatcher redirects the request to one of the configured Author instances based the load balancing logic.

  • c - Correspondence Management makes a call to LiveCycle Forms to display the PDF in CCR. This is done via the LiveCycle load balancer.

  • d - The load balancer redirects the call to one of the clustered LiveCycle instances based on the load balancing logic.

    The LiveCycle load balancer selects the appropriate LiveCycle instance from the LiveCycle cluster.

Letter publishing use case

In the topology diagram, the workflow defined for letter publishing by an author is as follows:

  • a - An author connects to the Correspondence Management Author instance via a Dispatcher

  • b - The Dispatcher redirects the request to one of the configured Author instances based on the load balancing logic

  • R1 to RN - When the author publishes an asset, the published asset and all its dependencies are replicated to all the configured publish nodes via replication agents (1 to N are publish instances).

Agent Use Case

In the topology diagram, the workflow defined for an agent is as follows:

  • 1 - An agent connects to the Correspondence Management Publish instance via a Dispatcher.

  • 2 - The Dispatcher redirects the request to one of the configured Publish instances based on the load balancing logic.

  • 3 - When the author previews a correspondence, Correspondence Management makes a call to LiveCycle forms to show the PDF in CCR. The request is sent from the Publish node to the LiveCycle load balancer.

  • 4 - The load balancer redirects the call to one of the clustered LiveCycle instances based on the load balancing logic. The LiveCycle load balancer selects the appropriate LiveCycle instance from the LiveCycle cluster.

An agent can then fill and submit the letter instance for further processing via configured post-process.

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