Navigate to [LiveCycle root]/jboss/server/<profile>/conf.
Open login-config.xml file for editing.
Add following text to login-config.xml file: <application-policy name="LC_SP_CONNECTOR">
<login-module code="" flag="required"> </login-module>
Navigate to [LiveCycle root]/jboss/bin.
Create a file named krb5.conf
Modify following text according to your envrionment settings.
Add modified text to krb5.conf file:
default_realm = SP.COM
default_checksum = rsa-md5
SP.COM = {
kdc =
[domain_realm] = SP.COM
Note: You must ensure that,
SP.COM is replaced with the domain name in capital letters. is replaced with fully qualified domain
name of the domain controller and domain name is in small letters. with replaced with domain name in small letters
prefixed with a period (.).
Copy file addSpnego.mar from[ LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/bin/Kerberos/modules/ to [LiveCycle root]/jboss /bin/modules/ directory. Note: If
the directory named modules does not exists, create it.
Restart JBoss Server to complete the configuration.