
Specifies whether to cancel a forthcoming action. This property applies only to the following scripting events: prePrint, preSubmit, preExecute, preOpen, and preSign.

JavaScript Syntax

Reference_Syntax.cancelAction = false | true; 
- or - 
Reference_Syntax.cancelAction = 0 | 1;

FormCalc Syntax

Reference_Syntax.cancelAction = 0 | 1





  • false | 0 (default)

  • true | 1

  • preOpen - The drop-down list does not expand to display the list of values.

  • preSubmit - Form submission does not occur.

  • preSign - The form is not digitally signed.

  • prePrint - No print dialog boxappears, and the form is not printed.

The user action, such as printing, submitting, or digitally signing, occurs as expected.

  • true | 1

  • preOpen - The drop-down list does not expand to display the list of values.

  • preSubmit - Form submission does not occur.

  • preSign - The form is not digitally signed.

  • prePrint - No print dialog boxappears, and the form is not printed.

The user action, such as printing, submitting, or digitally signing, does not occur. The user experience is determined by the scripting event that contains the cancelAction reference:

  • preOpen - The drop-down list does not expand to display the list of values.

  • preSubmit - Form submission does not occur.

  • preSign - The form is not digitally signed.

  • prePrint - No print dialog boxappears, and the form is not printed.

Applies to


XFA 2.8



xfa.event.cancelAction = 1;


xfa.event.cancelAction = 1

// Ethnio survey code removed